Quinn Dozier
Anatomy 5
Nutrition Analysis
This was a very interesting report. I enjoyed how we are looking at our own real lives instead of just looking at different foods and determining what is healthy and what isn't. This makes it much more relatable and interesting when we do the report. I learned a lot from this as well. There were many foods, especially from restaurants, that were way over calories and fat than what I expected. It is really eye opening and definitely makes you think twice before you order your favorite meal. The main thing I took away from this is that, especially because I exercise so frequently, I need to be consuming more calories. However I need to be eating the right kinds of calories, ones full of varying nutrients. I also eat very sodium dense foods, so adding more fruits and vegetables to my diet might be a good way to increase my vitamin intake while at the same time not going overboard on the salt. I think something that can significantly improve my eating habits is cooking at home opposed to eating out. You have no control what goes into your food at a restaurant, and usually non-healthy ingredients are added in an attempt to improve taste. Another thing would be to stay away from processed foods, as natural or organic ingredients are much healthier options.
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