Sunday, February 12, 2017

A Woman Perpetually Falling

"Even when she has fallen, she feels she is still falling, perpetually, into an infinite abyss." I can't imagine how living like this would be. to be constantly having this feeling, even while sitting down would be awful.

"People with her disorder often fall to pieces psychologically, and many have committed suicide." I don't know how i would react if i had this disorder and was told that last sentence. It must be devastating living like that.

"We have senses we don't know we have-until we lose them." This is interesting to think about. We take balance for granted, and I'm sure there's many other things we take for granted too, like breathing.

Relate & Review: This reading was very interesting. A woman was a feeling of falling down, whether she was standing, sitting, or even laying down. Her vestibule apparatus had stopped working and also making her very tired and dizzy. It puts into perspective all of the things healthy people take for granted sometimes.

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